
Nina Vladimirova, Corporate Relations and Legal Affairs Manager, Zagorka S.A.

Автор: Regal 05 октомври 2015

Фотограф: Архив

Nina Vladimirova is Corporate Relations and Legal Affairs Manager with Zagorka S.A. - winner of an award for Green Business (category Big Enterprises) of the national campaign
Green Bulgaria of the Ministry of Environment and Waters in 2013.

In her role Nina is responsible for the development of the corporate social responsibility program of ZAGORKA
Brewing a Better World. She represents the company in the Board of Directors of Ecopack Bulgarian JSC and is a member of the Managing Board of the Bulgarian Association of

Nina has reach experience in building sustainable relations with governmental and municipal authorities; she has been part of development of legislative and regulation regimes, as well
as self-regulation of commercial communications. She is a member of the Self-Regulation Council at the Unions of Bulgarian Brewers and Ethics Commission of the National Self-
Regulation Council in the period 2009-2012.

Master at Law with Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski". Married with a daughter.

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