
Why do you start a loyalty program... or how to implement a customer-centric business model

Автор: Regal 16 февруари 2015

Фотограф: Архив

In most companies the financial department plays a key role in the decision making process and building the company's strategy as the company’s strategy is usually based on the accumulated profits from its various activities.

If a company reaches its target profits or even better - outperforms them, a natural conclusion of the financial department is that the company is doing great. I will tell you how this practice could be fatal to the business. The reason being that the financial department analyses the RESULT of the company's business, not the REASON for its existence - its customers!

The customer-centric business model is the change of the whole philosophy of a company, where the focus is the REASON, not the RESULT. Implementing this model could be your main competitive advantage and one of the ways to change the course of your company in this direction is by starting a customer loyalty program.

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