
Pricing Conditions and Strategies in the Shopping of the Future

Автор: Evgenia Trimmi, Analytic Consulting Leader Greece-Bulgaria, Nielsen 15 октомври 2013

The presentation will focus on the analysis of the shopping conditions and how we expect it to evolve in the future, the role of price and its importance within this framework, while at the same time it will descant specific pricing strategy directions and alternatives.

Some of the topics to be addressed are:
- How important is price for consumers? What are the factors affecting its importance?
- Our consumers behave the same towards price around the globe and among different categories?
- How should we expect these trends to develop in the future? Are the permanent price reductions or price discounts one-way?

Aforementioned topics of presentation are expected to be considered as food for thought so that conference participants to explore where their own companies and products are placed in pricing map of the shopping of the future.

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