
Gavin Hill, partner, Deloitte Bulgaria

Автор: Регал 01 октомври 2013

Автор: Архив

Gavin Hill is starting his 34th year in the profession, including 5 years in Industry at a senior level, then becoming a partner in 1991. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales, member of the Corporate Finance Institute and Member of the Institute of Management. He now lives in Sofia having lived (with his family) and worked in Central Europe since 1999, working with clients in more than 15 countries during that time, covering most industries with an emphasis on Financial Services, Real Estate & TMT Sectors. He has also been involved in most major M&A banking transactions in Central Europe either for a potential buyer or seller. He is responsible for the leadership development programme for Senior managers in Deloitte Central Europe. Gavin Hill joins the partners in Sofia to lead Deloitte’s advisory practice. 

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