
What is keeping you awake at night?

Автор: Dirk Vanderveken, Global Business Development Director, GfK 12 юли 2013

The economic downturn has impacted consumer's way of spending in developed markets and in Europe more specifically. With price focused consumers, growth of retail brands and increasing raw materials price, the FMCG industry and retail are forced into lower margins and tough negotiations. While emerging markets, with their rising average household income and large population size seem to form a huge potential for the FMCG industry they are not yet compensating for the suffering markets in Europe.

The GfK Top Topics report is based on a survey among the top executives from the leading FMCG manufacturers and retailers across Europe. It provides insight on what the board room thinks about the challenges for 2013 and beyond? What is on the agenda of these Top Executives? Does your company have the right focus? What do your fellow companies in the sector do? Do you see opportunities to respond to that? What are the differences between countries, manufacturers and retailers or how does the vision differs on different levels within an organisation.

Despite the fact that leading FMCG manufacturers operate on a global scale, the markets, the relationships between industry and retail still are very local. Recognizing and understanding this heterogeneity between countries and markets will enable to translate the global strategy in a local plan.

The GfK Top Topics report provides insights on the key aspects influencing the market growth and bottom line. The report reflects the vision of 400 industry leaders, both retailers and manufacturers, from major FMCG companies accross Europe.

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