
Successfully navigating brands to survive and thrive during the recession, cheaply and effectively

Автор: Gordon Cesareo, creative director, Design Board 11 октомври 2012

The turbulent economic global climate is creating numerous challenges for FMCG and other category brands across markets. Strong and effective brand design strategies can help brands to survive and thrive.

Design Board Creative Director Gordon Cesareo discusses the impact of price-value strategies and cost-saving measures on visual brand communication in Western Europe and other global regions.  There are many problems facing leading brands today: the threat of losing their loyal consumer base to lower-priced brands and private labels; the risk of being seen as uncaring, exclusive and irrelevant in times of uncertainty..can FMCG (and other category) brands use design to retain customer loyalty and remain true to their brand promise?

In order to survive and thrive, brands must review the brand strategies they are currently implementing to build consumer relationships, preserve consumer loyalty and harness the opportunities to broaden their consumer base. Strategies to consider include pricing down, tiering down, single-use dosing, promoting specific benefits with no price reduction, the effective use of brand heritage, and cost-saving strategies such as reduction of multi-language claims through the use of icons. The presentation will demonstrate strategies through Design Board case histories and other market examples.


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