
The future of payments – the user will decide

Автор: Krassimira Raycheva, Visa Europe Senior Relationship Manager for Bulgaria 13 септември 2012

  From the barter through the gold to the use of mobile phone as a wallet – the means of payment when buying goods and services are constantly evolving, adapting themselves to the requirements of our everyday life.

Today the payments are fully dominated by the technologies. The number of debit and credit cards in Europe and in Bulgaria is constantly raising, the amounts which consumers spend via cards are also increasing. This means of payment is bringing indisputable benefits for retailers; this is why they like it. One of them is the possibility to gain the loyalty and strengthen their relationship with the consumers by offering them an easy and comprehensive service.

The payment systems – Visa Europe in particular – do their best to adapt to clients’ requirements and are constantly developing and offering services to meet their demands. The contactless, mobile and person to person payments are already possible and are gradually attracting more and more fans.
How will users and retailers accept the innovative means of payment? Will they start to steadily prefer them to those already existing? Will they lead to the end of cash payments? The user will decide. Retailers are left to foresee their moves and to adapt to them.

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