
See the future! An overview about the main trends influencing consumer behaviour

Автор: Otilia Dörnyei, Consumer Research Expert, Gfk 13 септември 2012

Today’s world is a very challenging place in which to do business. The relationship between consumers and brands is constantly evolving. Consumers are changing, and changing fast. They are more confident, more demanding and more dynamic than ever before and it is increasingly hard for marketers to keep up.
We call "trends" a genuine long term shift in attitudes or behaviours with the potential of becoming a major influencer of the market. Recognising the existence of certain trends is just the beginning. After that come all kinds of questions – How big is the trend? How is it evolving? Which consumers is it affecting most? What effects does it have on my brands?
The presentation will focus on the major consumer trends spotted globally aiming to help building brand and product strategies based on trend fact, not trend fiction. 

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