
"Winning with the Consumer in a brand new order"

Автор: Mark Yeomans, Partner with Ernst & Young EMEIA 20 август 2012

Фотограф: Архив

A Brand New Order, has been created for retailers and brand owners by the unprecedented rate of change in the demands of the consumer and an increasing complex global environment. Some of the changes are a reflection of uncertainty as austerity (or relative wealth) sweeps the world, some of the changes are due to technology which has been adopted at a remarkable pace. For retailers and brand owners the impact of changes in the consumer base will be profound – you are faced with challenging investment decisions in an uncertain world. Ernst & Young have researched these changes and identified key trends in five areas, Governance, Consumer Behaviour , Retail Needs , Supply Chain and Leadership. In our presentation we will set out what has changed and identify an agenda for success in a Brand New Order. 

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