
Emmanuel Totev, head of the "Transactions and restructuring" department, KPMG

Автор: Регал 27 септември 2013

Автор: Архив

Emmanuel Totev is Director, Transactions and Restructuring at KPMG in Bulgaria, Albania, Macedonia and Kosovo with direct responsibilities for the M&A practice and the provision of professional services to owner-managed businesses. During his nearly 17 years of experience with KPMG he has managed a range of projects in Bulgaria and the Western Balkans related to strategy development, mergers and acquisitions, market and feasibility studies, business planning, etc. He has worked with companies in the consumer markets, industrial markets, banking and insurance, electronic and printed media industries, and the public sector. Mr. Totev has advised Bulgarian and foreign businesses in the FMCG and the retail sector on strategic options for investment and development, and has also assisted in the successful closing of corporate transactions.

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